Seller's FAQs

  1. Login to your account from this link.
  2. Click on the Add Listing button on the upper right corner of the header section.
  3. Select Ad type (New or Used).
  4. Choose the Category for your Listing.
  5. Fill-in the details for you Listing, then Click submit.
  6. Select Pricing Option.
  7. Enter your card details.
  8. Check the consents.
  9. Click on the Proceed to payment button.
  10. It will direct you to the Payment receipt page.
  11. Your Listing has been posted.


  • You will receive email notifications for your Listing posting.
  1. Go to My Account > My Listings
  2. Select the Listing you wanted to update
  3. Click on the Edit button
  4. Update the details.
  5. Click on Update button to save the changes.


  • Updating the Price is not allowed as it will requires you to pay a different fee based on the package.
  • Visit the Package/Pricing page for the available payment terms.
  1. Go to My Account > My Listings
  2. Select the Listing you wanted to delete
  3. Click on the Delete button
  4. Click on Update button to save the changes.


  • Once the Listing has been deleted, it can’t be undone.

Featured Ads: In list view this ads will be displayed with a  green background.

Top Ads: This ads show in top of list in all ads.


  • Featured Ads – $0
  • Top Ads – $0

Please contact our Support Team.


We accept Credit Cards payment only.


  • $0-$19,999.99 =  $50.00
  • $20,000.00 -$99,999.99 = $95.00
  • $100,000.00 + =  $200.00


The Fees will be based on the Product/Equipment’s price automatically.

  1. Go to My Account > My Listings
  2. Select the Ad that been Sold.
  3. Click on the Mark as sold button


There will be a badge for Sold Items/Ads on the listing page.