Seller's FAQs
- Login to your account from this link.
- Click on the Add Listing button on the upper right corner of the header section.
- Select Ad type (New or Used).
- Choose the Category for your Listing.
- Fill-in the details for you Listing, then Click submit.
- Select Pricing Option.
- Enter your card details.
- Check the consents.
- Click on the Proceed to payment button.
- It will direct you to the Payment receipt page.
- Your Listing has been posted.
- Check the Listing page.
- Or My Account > My Listings tab
- You will receive email notifications for your Listing posting.
- Go to My Account > My Listings
- Select the Listing you wanted to update
- Click on the Edit button
- Update the details.
- Click on Update button to save the changes.
- Updating the Price is not allowed as it will requires you to pay a different fee based on the package.
- Visit the Package/Pricing page for the available payment terms.
- Go to My Account > My Listings
- Select the Listing you wanted to delete
- Click on the Delete button
- Click on Update button to save the changes.
- Once the Listing has been deleted, it can’t be undone.
Featured Ads: In list view this ads will be displayed with a green background.
Top Ads: This ads show in top of list in all ads.
- Featured Ads – $0
- Top Ads – $0
Please contact our Support Team.
We accept Credit Cards payment only.
- $0-$19,999.99 = $50.00
- $20,000.00 -$99,999.99 = $95.00
- $100,000.00 + = $200.00
The Fees will be based on the Product/Equipment’s price automatically.
- Go to My Account > My Listings
- Select the Ad that been Sold.
- Click on the Mark as sold button
There will be a badge for Sold Items/Ads on the listing page.